How does an international curriculum prepare students for undergraduate college?

At Aditya Birla World Academy (ABWA), an international school in Mumbai , we offer the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in grades 9-10 and in grades 11-12 the students opt for either Cambridge A Level or International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) . These are pre-university programmes that are designed to prepare students for university. Their interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach to education aims to develop an inquiring, knowledgeable, reflective, and caring young adults who will help to create a better and peaceful world.

These curriculums prepare students with imperative skills required for them to flourish long after they leave school. It challenges them to push their boundaries, grow pass their comfort zone, and experience a new way of thinking that is more than just memorization.

At ABWA, the learning experiences through interaction with various stakeholders encourages students to be respectful to multiple perspectives. Articulating through their independent thinking, research skills and experiential learning, students are encouraged to vocalize their ideas and opinions pushing them past their pages of the textbooks.

The career counsellors at ABWA work with students as early as grade 8, from guiding them to select subjects at IGCSE till they apply to colleges in grade 12. Each student’s high school journey is customized to their needs ensuring their personal growth is in alignment with the structure of the curriculum and vision of the school – “an international school with an Indian soul”.

At the A Levels and IBDP, ABWA career counsellors encourage students to think about the kind of learning and experience they want in university so that they are better informed of their choice of colleges they wish to apply to. The breadth and depth of study offered in both A Levels and IBDP provide opportunities for exploration. This kind of academic and intellectual challenges do not refer to only one class but a number of them offered in ABWA thus building the academic rigor. In the process of studying these courses, students develop critical and analytical thinking skills. Their experiences and academic development consist of a mindset and thought process that expands to their love of learning not only through their A Level or IB experiences but continues throughout their undergraduate studies.

ABWA students obtain analytical writing skills from countless exercises and assignments especially while writing their Extended Essay in IBDP or the Cambridge International Project Qualification (IPQ) in A Levels. Such analytical writings for both long and short assignments prepare the students to enter university knowing how to write academic essays, find academic sources, and do citations. All these skills which are taught in the first year of university, our students in ABWA are already an expert in, thus adding a layer of familiarity to their university experience.

ABWA’S community service program helps to imbibe in the student universal values of compassion and empathy. All students from both the A Level and IBDP are actively involved in these service programs. Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) is the heart of the IBDP which involves a range of activities apart from academics. The learning outcomes all ABWA students receive through these service projects are abstract qualities, broader than any specific skills – such as perseverance, willingness to take risks, and an ability to collaborate – skills that are valuable to any student. Encouraging our students to develop personal and interpersonal skills, ABWA not only recognizes the importance of these soft skills but is also aware that these attributes and attitudes ultimately reflect the university’s growing awareness of the value in the experience outside of the classroom and knowledge outside of the textbook.

The robust international curricula prepare an ABWA student to manage their time well. It encourages students to maintain a balance in their life outside the world of academia. This not only becomes essential in handling the demands of study but also enables the student to take full advantage of the opportunities when in university.

The opportunities ABWA provides its students expose them to unmeasurable amounts of academic and intellectual discovery, personal growth, and diverse relationships, thus broadening their perspective beyond the textbook. It makes them more confident, revolutionizing how they think, speak and write. Beyond connections in curriculums, ABWA pushes its students to become strong analysts, test-takers, communicators, and thinkers thus preparing them for undergraduate and future graduate studies.

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